Superduct four wire duct smoke detector 1 superduct four wire duct smoke detector pn 3100685 rev 20 18aug05 combination smoke sensor and controller. Wire guide tm edwards systems technology installers.
Est Photoelectric Duct Smoke Sensor 4 Wire W Terminal Block Esd St Edwards
Est super duct wiring diagram. Superduct detectors continually sample air flow in the hvac duct and initiate an alarm condition whenever smoke is detected. Superduct duct smoke detectors will not operate as designed outside. Duct smoke detector application diagram warning. Wiring diagrams provided herein are for information and reference only and. Duct smoke detector application diagram the controller is designed for multiple operating voltages and provides relay contacts for connection to fire alarm systems. Siga dmp dm 73 detector accessories.
Refer to your fire alarm control panels documentation for additional system compatibility information. Siga led dts 74 reference 24 vdc nac wire length 75 25 or 70 vrms nac wire length 78. Install supply side detectors at a point downstream from the supply fan and air filters and return side detectors at a point before the return air is diluted by outside air. Superduct duct smoke detectors are not intended as substitutes for open area protection. Duct smoke detector testing and maintenance can be found in the following. Est est3 with 3 idc84 42 per idc note.
To avoid the effects of stratification install the sensor inlet tube a minimum of six duct widths beyond any bends in the duct. Superduct four wire smoke sensor rj 45 version installation sheet pn 3100686 superduct four wire duct smoke detector technical bulletin pn 3100685 specifications dimensions controller. Duct smoke detector limitations superduct duct smoke detectors will not operate without electrical power. 675 x 545 x 190 inches.